Tuesday, May 10, 2011

I Am Not My Hair………

I was told by my man that I “aggressed” him. I laughed because this is a term he got from the movie “Breakin’ All the Rules” with Jamie Fox, Morris Chestnut, Anthony Anderson and Gabrielle Union. It’s a pretty funny movie and shows how we over think relationships instead of going with the natural flow of things. In order to explain what he is talking about I have to back up a bit. (Stay with me)

If you have known me for some length of time then you know that I have ALWAYS had long hair that has passed my shoulders. I have always been told that I have “good hair” (I hate that term!) Personally I think any type of hair on your head is good but that’s another blog all together.

My hair has always been a way people described me. That would drive me crazy! Ok I do have a name! Growing up my mother really had no clue how to handle my hair because it was – Much! Yeah just one word described my hair - Much!! It was a big curly uncontrollable bush of hair.

I either looked like Michael Jackson (Thriller Days) when it was wet or Diana Ross when it was dry! Imagine the frustration as a child. So I was on my own to figure out this hair thing myself. My mom would put my hair in nothing but ---Wait for it…. Wait for it. You guessed it – a ponytail!! On a good day OMG I would have more then ONE!! How cool. :-| Please tell me you caught the sarcasm. Well, once I hit high school I said enough is enough and had to figure something out.

I would hear comments like “OMG if I had your hair I would style it different everyday”, “If only I had your hair you couldn’t tell me nothing, I would whip my hair back and forth” OK hold the hell up Willow because this mess was nothing you could whip! This was beyond a mess as I saw it and needed to be fixed. But over the years I figured it out. I love my blow dryer w/comb!! : )

Fast forward to last year. I decided that I needed a change so you guessed it I cut my hair right above my ears. Its only hair right? Well you would have thought I committed a sin that God forgot to add to the 10 commandments. I guess 11 was Thou shall not cut long hair?!

Going from hair down my back to hair above my ears was so awesome and liberating. Now I understand what women are talking about. You feel light! Ahhhhh!! Not to mention I have not one, not two but three daughters with you guessed it –a head full of damn hair!!!

I still don’t understand why people feel they have the right to tell you what they want you to do with your hair. As long as you are happy with it then da hell with anybody else and what they think. Its only hair and if you don’t know by now it does grow back. Currently I am letting my hair grow back and when I feel like it I just might cut it AGAIN!! I am me – I am not my hair.

Until next time be who God intended for you to be : )


  1. Oh Lawd you done cut your "good hair"!!! LOL!!!! I think I have to go before the committee and have special permissions granted before I could even think about cutting mine. I soooooo understand. But with three more daughters heads to maintain you need all the "easy to maintain" that you can get.

  2. LMAO!!! Yeah I went to the salon and just said CUT IT. She didn't want to but I was going to have a Bernidean moment from waiting to Exhale if she didn't! lol Trust me with this little ones around here I have enough to do.. smh
