Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Days like today

Today is one of those days where silence is golden
Being left to reflect on the past, present and future
Forgiving those in your past for wrong doing
Mostly forgiving yourself to being mad
Release of resentment and relentless of the mind
Reflecting back from time from time

Feeling as if life is passing me by
Unable to move due to nothing but self
Attempting to gain self confidence in hidden talents
Call it audacity that with each day I continue
Having bumps in the road
Bruised but far from broken
Standing on the edge looking down admiring the view
How far I have come quickly realizing how far I must go

Looking forward to each day and know regardless of
The weather the sun will shine on me even in the rain
Finding time to enjoy the journey along the way
Daily lists and goals to stay focused but days like today
When I can’t see the forest for the trees

I swallow my regrets and learn from them
I eat a piece of humble pie praying not to choke
Come out of hiding and muster up enough strength to smile
So grateful that I am not where I was but now
See the light at the end of the tunnel and know
It’s more then bright…

The Idle Mind of a Gemini